Testing, /tʃ/, /tʃ/, /tʃ/, /tʃ/, /tʃ/, /tʃ/ 测试中。
- Vowels are long when stressed and in an open syllable, otherwise short.[12]
- The digraphs AE 和 OE 代表 /ɛ/.
- C denotes [tʃ] (如英文的 ch) before AE, OE, E, I or Y.
- G denotes [dʒ] (as in English j) before AE, OE, E, I or Y.
- H is silent except in two words: mihi and nihil, where it is pronounced [k]. However, the silent H is regional, as consonantal H is fully pronounced in North America in all cases, e.g., in the phrase da nobis hodie from the Pater Noster, the H is pronounced.[13]
- S between vowels represents a voiced [z];[14] when followed by a C before AE, OE, E, I or Y, they merge into /ʃ/.
- TI, if followed by a vowel and not preceded by s, t, x, represents [tsi] (like English ‘tsee’).[15]
- V as a vowel /u/ is clearly distinguished from the consonant /v/, except after G, Q or S, where it is pronounced /w/. The /v/ sound is now distinguished from the other two sounds also in writing (Vv, as opposed to Uu)
- TH represents /t/.
- PH represents /f/.
- CH represents /k/.
- Y represents /i/.
- GN represents /ɲ/.
- X represents /ks/, the /s/ of which merges with a following C before AE, OE, E, I or Y to form /ʃ/, as in excelsis — /ekʃelsis/[15] Z represents /dz/.